Pro Bono Ontario will provide free telephone hotline legal assistance to Ukrainians arriving in Canada.
The Hotline is a free, confidential service dedicated to providing support and information on immigration-related topics and other legal issues connected with resettlement, such as housing and employment.
Callers can communicate directly with a lawyer and get help or advice. Ukrainian nationals can get help, advice and assistance with their legal issues and steps they can take. The organization provides services in Ukrainian, English, and French.
The Hotline is available free to people from Ukraine or family members of people from Ukraine:
inside or outside of Canada
seeking entry to Canada or permission to remain in Canada
who have questions about the immigration system in Canada, including any questions related to:
applying under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) program
entering Canada
extending a stay in Canada
obtaining or extending a work permit or study permit
sponsoring family
remaining in Canada permanently, or
who need help navigating the legal system during their resettlement in Canada
There have been a number of measures implemented by the Canadian government to assist the people in Ukraine affected by the Russian invasion.