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A statement on racism was released by Prince Edward Island

A statement on racism was released by Prince Edward Island

Dennis King, Premier of Prince Edward Island, and Stephanie Arnold, Chair of Anti-Racism Table, issued a statement on May 26, 2022 regarding the most recent racist incidents.

During their remarks, they described these incidents as unacceptable and reminded us about how important it is to condemn racism in all its forms. Despite the province has made progress in efforts to address systemic racism and injustice, some people continue to face these hardships based on their skin colour, background, or religious beliefs.

The Anti-Racism Table works with the Anti-Racism Policy Advisor and the Executive Council Office to support the racialized communities on Prince Edward Island. The province continues to experience subtle and overt acts of racism each day.

Also, other acts of violence occur during social interactions within our Island communities or in workplaces, while others are entrenched in systems and decision-making.

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